Welcome to BlueZone Sports, your premium outdoor gear retailer. Whether on the snow, in the water, on your bike, or exploring while camping and hiking, we are here to help fuel your next adventure. Inspired by the azure blue water of Lake Tahoe, with locations across the Sierra Nevada Mountains, BlueZone Sports was founded on the belief that small, local-based organizations provide more than a product - they provide an experience. With this belief in mind, we built a team of people passionate about recreating in the outdoors and the lifetime of memories produced from being in nature.
Our team lives and plays in the mountains near lakes, trails, and ski resorts. Their experience and lifestyle inform every decision when hand-selecting products for our stores. Function, style, and quality are considered first with each product you see. Our skis, snowboards, bikes, SUPs, and kayaks are tested in the mountains we live in. Our clothing and footwear are worn exploring the region or relaxing with friends and family reminiscing about a great day outside.
As you embark on your adventures solo or with friends and family, we hope you find that our gear, clothing, and footwear perfectly meet your needs. Our team of pros is here to help provide practical tips to inform your purchase, so feel free to contact us online or at one of our shops.