Apply now for a SkillPointe Scholarship to pursue a great career in construction, aviation maintenance, automotive, IT, and health care! Scholarships from $1,000-$5,000 available here: https://www.skillpointefoundation.org

Dozens of SkillPointe Scholarships from the US Chamber of Commerce and Donahue Family Foundation now available! Apply here: https://skillpointe.com/financial-resources

Exciting news - new SkillPointe Scholarships from the US Chamber of Commerce and Donahue Family Foundation! Apply now: https://skillpointe.com/financial-resources

We have 125 Home Depot SkillPointe scholarships for training in the construction trades! Apply for $2,000 at https://skillpointe.com/financial-resources

Apply now for a $2,000 Home Depot SkillPointe Construction Trades Scholarship! September 30th deadline. https://skillpointe.com/financial-resources

August 31st deadline! Apply for a $1,000 Boys & Girls Clubs SkillPointe Scholarship for high school juniors and seniors to attend technical/vocational school or community college. https://skillpointe.com/financial-resources