October 12 at 8:51am

September 28 at 10:47am

September 7 at 11:00am

August 24 at 9:21am

August 17 at 10:40am

August 10 at 3:15pm

August 9 at 3:24pm
Watch Washoe Life: County Commission Highlights :: The Board of County Commissioners approved a contract for medical care on the Nevada Cares Campus during a meeting in July.

July 20 at 7:58am

June 21 at 5:40pm

June 21 at 2:16pm
Envision Washoe 2040 - Washoe County wants your input! Take this survey to provide your thoughts regarding how Washoe County should incorporate existing Area Plans into the Envision Washoe 2040 Comprehensive Plan update.