Tahoe Things to Do: Ziplines & Treetop

Look up! It’s a bird! No, it’s a monkey! No, it’s your friends and family flying from treetop to treetop on a zipline in Tahoe! Have you tried this fun thing to do in Tahoe? It’s exhilarating! And, listen, you’re in a harness that you absolutely won’t fall out of and are attached to a huge cable that can handle thousands of pounds. There is nothing to worry about! As soon as you push off that platform, you’re free! Most people are laughing out loud, loving the experience of getting a bird’s eye view that they’ve never had before. There are several places to zipline in Tahoe, and at both you’re given detailed instruction by very experienced zippers (don’t know if that’s what they’re actually called, but it should be if not) who have worked with tons of people having their first zip experience. In your group, you’ll have the ones who can’t wait to take their feet off that platform, ones who are a bit nervous then probably a few who might need some coaxing. But close to 99% will be rearing to try the next zipline in Tahoe as soon as they can. Come on … sing it with us … “I believe I can fly! I believe I can touch the sky!”