The non-profit Murer House Foundation offers these events to raise funds to preserve and maintain the historic house and structures owned by the City of Folsom.  The historic house is open for tours by the public, and work is underway to open the grounds for intimate outdoor events, such as garden classes and musical presentations.

Murer House Foundation Mission Statement:

To protect and preserve the Murer House, to educate and promote the community’s understanding of the site, its history and natural resources, and Folsom’s Italian Heritage; and develop the sister city relationship between the citizens of Folsom and Crespano del Grappa.


To achieve our mission statement by focusing on programming, membership, site curation, fund raising. Preservation and maintenance are a key part of our purpose. In the past year, the Foundation has provided funding through donations and fund raising to paint the historic house and perform maintenance activities for the site’s classroom building.