(530) 541-7300
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The International Good Samaritans Safe Ride Program (a big name idea in a small town) was started to provide teams of sober designated drivers to be on call by beepers (all we had then) to respond to any calls from intoxicated drivers, their friends, or the bartenders who didn’t want their customers to drink and then drive themselves home.

It was quickly realized that this safe ride service needed to be free (many intoxicated people didn’t want to go home until they were out of money) and that we needed to get their cars home too (no I wouldn’t leave my car behind as I need it in the morning!). Therefore the Good Sam plan (IGS) was to start a 501c3 nonprofit charity (donations accepted) and provide two sober drivers per team, one driver to follow the other IGS driver in the intoxicated driver’s car along with the intoxicated person and all their friends to point the way home (not always easy but always free!).