The Golden Gate Austin Healey Club is a group of people interested in the enjoyment of Austin-Healeys. Membership is open to all, and ownership of a Healey is not required.

The Golden Gate Austin Healey Club is a direct descendent of the Austin Healey Club Pacific Centre founded in the early 1970s. It later became the Pacific Centre’s Golden Gate Region with the primary function of supporting Healey activities in the San Francisco Bay Area in conjunction with the Central Valley Region.

In 1997, the Golden Gate Region became the Golden Gate Austin Healey Club, an independent entity affiliated nationally with the Austin Healey Club of America (AHCA).

Today, the Golden Gate Austin Healey Club has a membership of over 180 concentrated in the San Francisco Bay Area and the Central Valley. The club has also expanded beyond these areas and now includes members in Northern and Southern California, Nevada, Idaho, Australia and Europe.