Charismatic and highly entertaining, Alex Ramon has mesmerized millions around the world with his sleight-of-hand skills and world-class presentation of magic and illusion. This remarkable young showman with a winning smile has perfected the craft of magic while incorporating innovative, modern approaches, making him a modern master of magic. He has been at the center of multi-million-dollar productions across the globe and performed on popular television shows. You can catch his award-winning show Magic live at Harveys Lake Tahoe in Stateline nightly.
Charismatic and highly entertaining, Alex Ramon has mesmerized millions around the world with his sleight-of-hand skills and world-class presentation of magic and illusion. This remarkable young showman with a winning smile has perfected the craft of magic while incorporating innovative, modern approaches, making him a modern master of magic. He has been at the center of multi-million-dollar productions across the globe and performed on more
Charismatic and highly entertaining, Alex Ramon has mesmerized millions around the world with his more